Outstanding origami

Check out Robert J. Lang's origami sculptures. That's the best way I have of describing an entire world of figures each made from a single, folded sheet of paper.

A couple samples of Lang's stunning work - a carp and a wasp:


Victoria said…
those are really amazing!
Keera Ann Fox said…
I'm pretty awestruck, myself. :-)
Tim said…
Those were pretty cool. I have a friend that's good at origami, and I've always been befuddled at how he manages the artful designs. How does one do that with paper?!?
Keera Ann Fox said…
The article that originally sent me to Lang's site is about software he designed to plan out in advance which folds go where. He's a physicist by trade.
chanpheng said…
Really amazing. Thanks for the link; I've got to figure them out now.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Have fun! Lang's designs are pretty awesome.

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