Abstinence. Panic. And abstinence.
Yesterday evening I was zipping along, messing around with some photos, figuring out a clever way to update a website I am webmaster for, and had about two zillion programs and windows open on my computer, and about the same amount of electrical appliances blazing in my apartment. And there went the lights. When I finally got the fusebox to cooperate again, my iMac ("lampfoot" type) faithfully started up - without the familiar Mac start-up chime, and without anything happening on the screen except for a very pretty light blue color. Several attempts were made to get my iMac to start from its hard disk. Finally, I ran hardware diagnostics and it hiccupped at one of my RAM chips. My baby is sick. Very, very sick. Not even a reinstall of the OS will fix it. I am without my computer, without regular surfing, e-mailing, Usenetting, etc. Oh. God. Abstinence. Oh. God. Panic. Luckily, there's a Mac repair shop right here in town. Goody. That takes care of the pani