No pictures, just coffee

It's raining. It's so wet out, that every attempt I made to take a picture first involved collecting raindrops on the camera's lens, viewer, etc. But not so wet that a female black thrush didn't enjoy a good bath in a puddle. I didn't walk through that puddle, but I did let my red rubber boots wade through some other puddles, and I had a nice walk over to Grandma and Grandpa's grave. It was my first visit since they had added Grandma's name to the headstone.

I had to have a talk with her about that. It looked weird, seeing her first and middle Christian names on the stone, knowing that she had used her maiden name as a middle name for most of her adult life. But the right part was seeing both their names on the stone. Grandma and Grandpa are truly together now, also in writing. I got a clear sense of happiness from beneath my feet there.

I have a delicious cup of café au lait at my side as I write this, purchased on my way home.


Anonymous said…
Puddles and rubber boots?!? Oh, you're a lucky girl. :-D
Keera Ann Fox said…
That's one way to look at it. :-) But the fact that my boots are red does cheer me up in the gloom. Stroke of genius, that. Buying red rubber boots.

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