Adventures of a touch typist

A scene from work: My boss comes over to talk to me, and I am typing something, and continue to do so as I look up at him to answer him. He stares in horrified fascination at my fingers accurately producing words on the screen without me looking, and finally can't stand it any more and orders, "Look down! Look down!" It became a running gag between us. Me, I can't remember when last I saw another person typing with all ten fingers. Touch typing. I see a lot of typing, but it's all done with two or four fingers, evenly distributed between two hands. I did have another boss who typed with four fingers and he was as fast as me with my ten (nine, actually. I don't use my left thumb.). I know how to touch type because my family advised me to take typing classes in school. I discovered I sucked at typing itself—never getting beyond 30 words per minute if I wanted to avoid mistakes—but I was very good at the non-typing stuff: Adjusting margins, changing ri...