Sweet Saturday
Ever so briefly, I stuck my nose out of doors today. Right after I blew it. Maybe I should be sick more often (NO! I didn't say that!) because my experiences on the bus today were rather sweet. Going to town, I was lost in a metaphysical magazine for a while, and when I put it aside and instead watched the other passengers, I noticed a lot of nicely dressed, rather active-looking elderly women. They weren't together, just a miscellaneous bunch of other humans I happened to see. They got my attention because they were dressed youthfully (wearing today's type of trainers will do that), they had nice hair, that although white was cared for and stylishly cut, they moved with energy, they wore nice make-up. It was like my focus was on anything that I could compliment - which isn't a bad way to go through a Saturday. I actually felt a bit stoned. Yay head cold! My nose cooperated for my visit to my hair dresser's, and the weather was beautifully mild and somewhat sunn