Yeah, this makes even me a sports nut

I do not pay much attention to sports. That includes the Olympic Games. I don't pay attention to them, either. I did have my fingers crossed for a local boy, who went and won a silver medal in the men's 100 m breaststroke. But earlier this week, I woke to my local radio station broadcasting the women's handball match between Norway and Sweden and it turned out to be a good way to start the day.

So I started paying attention. Yesterday at work, during our afternoon coffe break, we monitored the women's semi-finale between Norway and South Korea, and it turned out to be one of the most exciting ends to a match, ever. Did Norway or did it not get that 29th goal and beat South Korea? I kept bouncing up and down out of my seat to check the computer screen for updates, constantly cheering the Norwegians on. My boss determined that I had finally converted, i.e. no longer an American. "I've lived here too long to know who does what over there," was my reply. Which is true. (My worst Olympic experience was a hockey match between Norway and USA; I didn't know who to cheer for.)

We know the answer: Norway's 29th goal, made as the clock stopped, was accepted.

My TV's on and the final match between Norway and Russia has begun. I know who I'm rooting for this time.

UPDATE: Norway won the gold! 34-27. Which makes up for not even qualifying for the games back in 2004. Heia, Norge! I'm also happy South Korea got the bronze, because they were a better adversary yesterday than Russia was today.


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