
Showing posts from June, 2005

What's that not doing in my purse?

Dashed into the local grocery store for a frozen pizza yesterday. I fished, search, hunted and eventually started emptying my purse in search of my large coin purse which also contains my debit card. I pulled out PDA, iPod, credit card holders (two) and the new black coin purse I had purchased to replace my old one, wondering why it was in my purse already. I couldn't find what I wanted, but luckily had some "emergency" money tucked in my key chain, so I got my pizza and left the store. I searched my mind, trying to remember where I last had seen my old coin purse, and a vivid picture of me tossing it into the trash came to me. Oh, that's what the new one was doing in my purse! (Insert sound of slapping forehead here.) No, I don't know what sign the Moon was in. Well, actually I do, but it's immaterial. Sagittarius can do scatterbrained as well as that other Jupiter-ruled sign, Pisces, can. ;-)

If you woke up in the future...

...What use would you be? A really good read should get one thinking. Good science fiction would offer some what-ifs that are worth musing about. Like what if you are put into suspended animation and revived some centuries into the future? I - and many sci-fi writers - have often thought that would be a Good Thing. However, I've found a reason why it wouldn't: What knowledge could any one of us have that would be useful to people in the future? As any computer owner can tell you, there's nothing more unpopular or useless than obsolete technology. So unless you happen to be one of those historians or archealogists who likes to recreate how Cro-Magnon man actually made arrowheads from rock, there is not much you know that a society that still has electricity won't have improved upon in the next centuries. If, however, the power goes out, we'll need people like you - but darned if we'll know how to keep you alive for that.

Garden of Eden

Sometimes I read something that makes me go "Wow!" or that simply makes me go, "Well, yes, of course." Sometimes a combination of the two, like just now, in reading up on weather astrology. "[...]Swinging closer as he passed, he found [the planets] pitted with craters. They were creased with long, tortuous trenches and ridged with saw tooth mountain ranges. "In short, crossing the solar system, the space traveler found the world of the sun to be a desert, a corner of the universe where neither plant nor animal could live. "But what he now sees coming up before him in the distance is clearly something different. This planet is green. It looks like an oasis in the solar wasteland. As his ship streaks toward the burgeoning earth, he begins to make out details. He sees the glimmer of water, the ice caps at the poles, glittering in the sunlight; the green masses of the continents breaking up, the blue of the seas-all of it coming and going in endless

Værvarslinga på vestlandet

Jeg grisler med astrologi og prøver å spå været med det. Nå har jeg satt meg fore å spå været for denne sommeren og har startet en egen blog i så henseende. Så nå skal jeg konkurrere med meteorologene, men de kan ennå ikke spå hele 3 måneder frem i tid. Jeg vet ikke om jeg kan, heller, men nå skal jeg altså prøve dette. Vær klar over at jeg er en nybegynner og vil gjøre feil. Jeg setter likevel pris på tilbakemeldinger (kommentarer er mulig på værbloggen). Og nå: Været. One of my astrological interests is a branch of mundane astrology, known as astrometeorology. I have decided to give this a go, and have started a new blog with weather predictions for the city of Bergen, Norway. I am still learning and will probably make mistakes. And now: The weather.

Digital watches, blue watches and stuff

"There are of course many problems connected with life, of which some of the most popular are Why are people born? Why do they die? Why do they want to spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches? " The above is a quote from the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. Adams (may he rest in peace) had a fascination with digital watches (as well as the fjords of Norway, and rightly so, but that's another matter). "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", or HHGTTG, started out as a radio play in 1978 on the BBC, when digital watches were all the rage - a new rage. The rage really took off in the 1980's, along with other late 70's inventions like the Sony Walkman. Adams' wonder at the fascination with digital watches got me thinking. I tolerate glowing digits on clock radios, which I think is some kind of imprint thing, since clock radios in my experience have always had glowing digits. I fin

My neighbor, Buster

I've always thought Buster looked a bit goofy, but behind a somewhat crosseyed appearance and extremely easy-going temperament, is quite the intelligent personality. When I had Sammy, she would sit in the window sill and hiss at Buster down below outside. Buster would always look back up at her with an amused and curious look. (Once Sammy got out on the landing outside my door and met Buster on the stairs and they had a noisy fight, but no injuries.) Sometimes I'd see him down below, scanning the window sill for Sammy, if she wasn't there. When I run into Buster in the stairwell of our apartment or outside, I try to sneak a pet. Buster is a spayed black-and-white tom and large and hefty, and he lives in the apartment right above me. A few times after Sammy died, Buster has invited himself into my apartment, and sniffed around, primarily where Sammy sat most. I think he's trying to figure out why he hasn't seen her. I'm not sure about letting him stay for l

No misunderstandings

In Norway, most companies have a one-on-one annual review between supervisor and worker, where each, in a private and focused environment, can give and receive feedback. Today my boss chose to have ours. I have to admit that I don't look forward to such things. I'm always expecting the worst, expecting criticism only. It must stem from childhood because there is little - if anything - from adulthood that can explain this fear. I do get along well with my boss, but that doesn't make it comfortable for me to be in a position where I may receive criticism. Also, lately, my boss and I have been having silly misunderstandings (over choice of words and such), so before the meeting, I wrote an affirmation for myself: "This meeting is a joy and a blessing for all concerned. I listen with an open mind and open heart, and I speak clearly and respond with love." My boss welcomed me to the annual review between him and me, and then handed me a piece of paper and asked me

Long time, no blog

I was looking for a picture. I thought I had it on a blog somewhere. That's when I realized that some of my monthly archives contain only one blog! Hmmph. Well, I'll try to do something about that. Let you, my dear reader(s?), have something more weekly to read rather than monthly. Daily I'm not sure of. I write when the mood grabs me and sometimes the mood has no grip. And just so the title fits, I'll write my other thought for the day in another post.