Wordless Wednesday - Medieval village at Stiklestad

Traditional wool dying

Viking-inspired woodcarving

Yours truly (see, I really was there!)

Wordless Wednesday


Paula said…
Hey, where are the hunky, shirtless men???
Keera Ann Fox said…
Abroad. They always are.
Tim said…
Good reply. ;)

I'm going to have to get the boy up there. Squishy would really enjoy that.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Yes, but now that you're back in this country again... ;-)

The medieval town is new this year, but next summer they should have expanded more on it.
Anonymous said…
Nice woodcarving! It was the first thing that caught my eye when I saw this post.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I like viking design, too. For some reason, it is the only thing catching my eye in Safari. Firefox shows three photos.

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