
Hrmph 1: I had an upset tummy all weekend, and diarrhea. I felt weak from it and called in sick today. I searched the 'net for information about the herbal supplements, was relieved to discover that they truly are harmless but that it may be necessary to cut the dose if one gets diarrhea. The pills are for cleansing the gut and moving any constipation, but surely my gut is cleaned out by now. I cut my dosage today, from 6 daily pills to 4, and ran to the bathroom only once. The 'net also said I should stick to a vegetarian diet and avoid sugar as well as milk. However, my acupuncturist never told me any of that (except for the avoid milk part). Not a confidence builder, that. I'll see her again on Monday, and decide then if I should continue seeing her.

Hrmph 2: I don't like criticizing people. Bringing up my dissatisfaction with my acupuncturist's lack of information is not something I look forward to. But, it may very well be that we do not communicate well, that not only did she not tell me everything I needed to know, but I may not have told her everything she needed to know. But who knew?

Hrmph 3: Blogging daily. I feel - dissatisfied. I lead a very quiet life so you, my dear reader, just got the same topic that is so popular in nursing homes: Bowel movements (subtitled: What Are They and Can I Get Some?) I also depend on my mood for inspiration. I've never thought of myself as a Moon child (influenced by the Moon) but I can tell by my own introvert-extrovert cycle what sign the Moon is in. Some days I'm an extrovert, other days I'm an introvert and on those latter days, I don't want to tell nobody nothing. But Blog365 makes me, and now I'm wondering if my simple posts, my uninspired "must says" (this is one of them; sorry about the digestion mention) are worth it. The truth is, I want to offer something more - substantial. I read other people's blogs and some are so inspiring, are so well-written, and that's really what I want to offer. But with this daily schedule I no longer have the luxury of just resting, waiting for inspiration and/or spending a few days polishing a post. Now I end up doing a quick hunt for something - anything - to post. It's not what I want to do to my readers. I miss feeling inspired, feeling that I need to write, to tell you something. Right now, this feels like a chore. Posting daily without having daily things to tell sucks, and I'm sure it shows in my writing.


Paula said…
I don't mind reading the less than super-exciting tidbits of blogpals' lives, so no big deal here. I've been re-motivated to work on my novel, so I've dropped the social networking sites (they're really mostly about ads and money anyway), including Blog 365, but for whatever reason I'm still blabbing every day. LOL
Sparkling Red said…
It's up to you whether or not sticking with the daily postings is a good idea. For myself, I find it therapeutic to be forced out of my introspection, even though it's sometimes a challenge. But we're all different.
SolSionnach said…
That's why I stopped the daily blogging, and quit Blog365. My life is very internal these days, and while there are changes there, it's not something I want to navel-gaze every day.

I did start a tarot project on my LJ, and will probably blog that several times a week - and I have managed to blog on spiritspeaks fairly frequently, so I'm satisfied.

Come to think of it, if my RL was fuller (dating all the time or some such) I probably would not be interested in blogging that either, for privacy's sake. But I hear you. If daily blogging is a burden in March, how are you going to feel in Sept? Either ready to throw the Mac against the wall, or you will be so totally in the groove that it will be like breathing!

BTW - I'm very interested in your BM probs, and how you felt about your acu person not giving you all the info you thought you needed. That being said, I don't recommend "cleanses", ever. That's not OM, that's western thinking. The Chinese do NOT think much of that kind of purging therapy (though the Ayurvedic people obviously do).
SolSionnach said…
I'm posting again so I can sign up for followups to this thread...
Keera Ann Fox said…
Paula, I have felt that the daily habit does have it's advantages and Blog365 motivates me to have one, but it's tough keeping up a level of quality I want. My perfectionism may be showing. :-)

Spark, I actually don't do well without my "down" time. In fact, it's often how my better and longer posts get born.

Sravana, I hear you. That's what my down time feels like: It's internal and not really meant to be shared. Could I have a link to your LJ, please? And check your e-mail. :-)
~Tim said…
I think blogging should be fun. When it's not fun, I take a break.

Writing every day is an exercise I've used, but not for publication.
Keera Ann Fox said…
The blog is my best motivation for staying daily. Perhaps I should be less perfectionistic about it. :-)

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