March mood swings

Not my mood swings, but the weather's. It is typical of March to not be able to make up its mind about the weather. Storm? Calm? Winter? Spring? About all at the same time? Which is pretty much what we had this past weekend, leaving me to walk home from work Friday on clear paths, in warming sunshine and with plants budding, and walk back to work yesterday morning in a freezing north wind on treacherously icy sidewalks with an inch of snow on the ground. Today it was cold but clear and sunny, warmly so - except for the part where it snowed a bit. Just a bit.

But this moodiness does make for some lovely moments: Sunday morning, I looked out my kitchen window, and sunbeams through the trees were making stripes on a frosted lawn.


Your weather sounds like ours in Georgia... it can't decide what it wants to do...
Sparkling Red said…
What a beautiful photo!

Today Toronto decided to have a melt. On my way to work, I saw a puddle that I assumed was fairly shallow, although around 8 feet long, so I plunged on in. Two steps in, I realized it was getting deeper. In the middle it was four inches deep. I got to work with very wet feet, and pant cuffs!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Reba, when ours decides, it's usually non-stop rain. I think I prefer wishy-washy to washed out. ;-)

Thanks, Spark! And I've been sabotaged by puddles like that, especially if they're under a bit of melting snow.

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