Wordless Wednesday - Chillin'

Wordless Wednesday

(Same bush)


Anonymous said…
Wow! Snow already? Jeez, that's fast. But then I guess I should expect that in Norway.

['Sorry you lost your flower!']
Zuzana said…
The first snow, it sure arrived early this year.;) There was some dusting last week here too, but more inland.;))
Lovely image.;)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Max, all of Norway doesn't have the same weather at the same time. :-) For Bergen, this was only the 4th time in 60 years we got snow in October, so it got a lot of press. And yeah, I miss that flower.

Zuzana, thanks!
alice said…
Wow! That looks like real snow!!!

(In other news, I brought the backyard plants inside today... we're nowhere near close to seeing the white stuff, but we are seeing the night time lows that might upset the more delicate of the flora!)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Well, it's all rain and wind and 10C/50F again here. Which is normal - any time of year. ;-)
Anonymous said…
For Bergen, this was only the 4th time in 60 years we got snow in October, so it got a lot of press.

So it's unusual, huh? Interesting. I was wondering if we were going to have another snowmaggeddon here, since this has been the hottest summer on record here, and a hot summer means a cold winter here, apparently.

Well, it's all rain and wind and 10C/50F again here. Which is normal - any time of year. ;-)

Ah. Well, it's good that global warming effects haven't shown up there yet.

['Makes me wonder how my ancestors survived there.']
Keera Ann Fox said…
Probably helps to keep in mind that I'm talking about Bergen, not all of Norway, and anyway, we've been heating up for the past 100 years just like everybody else.

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