Snow day

A good 4 inches of snow fell during Tuesday night, so we woke up to a beautiful, white world, and relatively clear skies. It was simply gorgeous, so I took a number of pictures on my walk.

But farther south, "snow day" had an ominous meaning last night and today: In both Denmark and on the southern coast of Norway, snow came down in such amounts that people were snowed in. It was the worst blizzard in 20 years on Norway's southern coast, and left motorists stranded overnight, and police forced to close highways so they wouldn't have more than the already 100 stuck vehicles to rescue. And the passenger train between Bergen and Oslo derailed after hitting a snowbank, but fortunately, no one was hurt. It sure is a challenge to get help to the area, though, and with only one track across the mountain, we desperately need to get the train moved.

In other "news", things have been oddly stressful, fraught with miscommunication and more errors than usual. Transportation and communication are going haywire - and wouldn't you know: Mercury - the planet that rules transportation and communication - is retrograde (apparantly moving backwards). I muttered under my breath - as the sweat poured down my back while trying to figure out how the hell to get the stupid printer to print right - that I no longer do astrology so why is it doing me???

But now the worst is over, and tomorrow is Friday. Yay! I'll be getting my hair cut, which will be a lovely end to the week.


Deadman said…
"things have been oddly stressful, fraught with miscommunication and more errors than usual."

That's no way
To spend a snow day...
Keera Ann Fox said…
I hope that rhyme's not another obscure (for me) reference. :-)

Snow day was spent moseying around the pond, taking more pictures than usual.
Deadman said…
Naw, just a little ditty that presented itself on the spur of the moment.

Anonymous said…
Mercury - the planet that rules transportation and communication - is retrograde (apparantly moving backwards).

This is the worst one I ever remember. And you know I'm not that big on MercRx.

Eclipse on the 3rd, BTW.

that I no longer do astrology so why is it doing me???

It thinks yer hot.

m, oh, these dysfucktional relationships
Keera Ann Fox said…
Must be bad since I noticed. I do hope the weather cooperates so I can see the eclipse. Norway has ringside tickets this time.

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