
For those who celebrate such things, Lent - the period of fasting in the Christian faith - has started. I know this because the fast switch (as in Lent and spanking), called "fastelavnsris" in Norwegian, is sold for a couple of days just before Lent starts. This, along with the sweet, cream-filled buns made at this time, are the last vestiges of marking Lent in Norway. The switch is based on a heathen custom in Sweden.


Deadman said…
"The switch is based on a heathen custom in Sweden."

See my comment at your Flick'r site, which, by the way, I went to considerable effort to research Norwegian names for.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Sorry, that one went right over my head.
Deadman said…
What can I say? I'm either a comic genius or the worst comedian ever. Could go either way...

Keera Ann Fox said…
Can't go by me, necessarily. :-)

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