Dealing with stress

Over on a friend's blog, I left the following in a comment, as a response to someone else's frustration with getting worked up over deadlines, travel, etc.:

My way of dealing of with stress may not work for everyone. (It doesn’t always work for me, either, but usually because I sabotage myself.) I pray. I also use affirmations, usually calling on divine mind and such, but affirmations don’t necessarily have to be religious.

You could do something like, “My higher self knows what’s best. I am safe as long as I am breathing, and I acknowledge and trust my inner guidance. My priorities fall easily into place for me and I accomplish what is necessary with peace, joy and success.”

If “higher self” doesn’t sit right, either, try “inner wisdom”.

Affirmations work for me because they both focus my mind towards something positive and distract me momentarily from my worries. Sometimes, that break is all that’s needed. You know, shoving the hamster off its wheel.


Deadman said…
"Affirmations work for me because they both focus my mind towards something positive and distract me momentarily from my worries."

Yes. I can relate.


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