How to disgust Norwegians

(Title changed to what I originally intended.)

Peanut butter is definitely an American thing. Many years ago, I travelled with the coastal steamer up to the North Cape with a girlfriend. We were roughing it ("interrail" on the boats, actually), and so brought our own sandwich fixings. Peanut butter's advantage is that it is filling, tasty, and requires no refrigeration. So I buttered crackers with peanut butter and jam. Much to my friend's disgust, I found out when her boyfriend joined us after a week and made a face. "Yeah, I know," my friend said to her boyfriend. "I've had to look at that for a week."

One thing I haven't found here before, is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I remember when they first came out in the States. I thought the commercials were stupid, but the product tasted great. And there they were, in the candy section at the movie theater (finally saw the new Bond yesterday; I approve). I haven't seen any Hershey's products in Norway before, except for the chocolate in the American "section" at my local supermarket recently. (Hershey's is to USA what Freia is to Norway.)

I ran into a neighbor at the movies and enthusiastically told her that Norway was now stuck with me; my last reason for going back to the States had gone now that peanut butter cups are available here. Not surprisingly, she turned her nose up at the idea of something with peanut butter in it. Yes, Norwegians do eat peanut butter (it's a regular staple at most stores), but they don't have the American fondness for it.

A basic sandwich in the US is PB&J; a basic in Norway is a slice with fårepølse (mutton sausage, made out of several animal meats, not just mutton, and a unique flavor I will forever associate with Norway). Then there's Charlie Brown's favorite comfort food, mentioned in a "Peanuts" comic I once read: PB and butter in equal amounts, fold the bread over. I had that today. And my Reese's. Delicious!


Deadman said…
Crunchy peaanut butter on toast with a big glass of milk.

Anonymous said…
Here's something that's uniquely American (or maybe uniquely me): when I was a kid, I was fond of peanut butter, jelly and balogna sandwiches.

How gross is that?!? ;-D
Paula said…
I don't lurve Reese's cups or PB&J snadwiches as much as I used to. Today I had a warmed sourdough roll with a dab of PB, which was delish.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Alice, next time Norwegians give me grief, I'll mention you. I feel like saying "æsj". ;-)

Mark and Paula, when I was in a rush in the morning while living in L.A., a toasted bagel with PB was my favorite rescue. Right up to the day the runny PB dripped onto my skirt while I was driving. I stopped eating breakfast in the car after that. :-)
Deadman said…
Okay, Keera I had the PB on Toast for lunch and the triple decker grilled cheesed for dinner.

I'm officially sandwiched out.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Won't last. Nothing stops an American from eating a sandwich.
Tim said…
Well, I'll be landing in Bergen upon my return from the states in a month, so I know I'll be searching for those. Wait a minute - dumb thought - why don't I just bring some back with me for a much cheaper price.

Anyway, Norwegians have no sense of taste when it comes to peanut butter. My favorite is the natural kind, and it's good for you.
Keera Ann Fox said…
What????? You'll be only 15 minutes away from me with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and you're not sharing????? *pout*
Tim said…
Well, I could always let you know when I'm landing. ;)
Keera Ann Fox said…
"Mann overfalt på flyplass grunnet peanøttsmør" If you'll take a chance that a headline like that will be in the papers, e-mail me. ;-)
Norma said…
Reese's also makes surgar free peanut butter cups. Really quite good if you haven't tasted the real thing since September. We had Finns living with us about 30 years who really fell in love with peanut butter, which they'd never had. They sent a lot home.

I admire your walking in the snow, slush, rain, etc. Great photos. I'm waiting for Spring. Should be about 4 more weeks here in Ohio.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I've tried original, low-whatever, generic brand. Same thing with Fig Newtons. In spite of the years that pass between each time I get a taste, I can tell the difference. Original only will do.
Webmiztris said…
Reese's Cups are wonderful. Reese's Pieces are delicious too... have you tried them? they're like M&Ms, but they're filled with PB. omg, they're orgasmic. lol
Keera Ann Fox said…
Orgasmic peanut butter. Now, see, that's what I'm talking about!

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