Wordless Wednesday - St. Mary's

Wordless Wednesday St. Mary's (Mariakirken), Bergen's oldest church


Zuzana said…
Very serene.
I like the composition of the photograph, with the barren trees and the snow and just a hint of blue in the sky.
Looks like a very beautiful church from outside; and I am sure it is inside as well.;)
Anonymous said…
fabu photo, did we go here for concert?
Anonymous said…
What a lovely place!
I like spots like this a lot!
Beautiful shot as well.
Happy WW! :)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Protege, it is one of Norway's oldest stone churches and is decorated in a Gothic and Cathelic style inside.

An(n)onymous, we were in domkirken. I don't think we went inside Mariakirken at all.

Thanks, Nicole! I see this view every time I go to the hair dresser's. :-)
archer said…
That is so cool looking. Is Liv Ullmann going in with a black shawl on her head?
Keera Ann Fox said…
Hi, Archer, and thanks! Of course it's Liv. Just move that bush aside, and you'll see.
alice said…
Nice. The humans used to build some really gorgeous buildings. I might feel a little more charitable toward contemporary christians if they still built beautiful churches, instead of the cheap box-with-a-steeple buildings they erect these days...
Keera Ann Fox said…
Not all buildings have a history as beautiful as their architecture, but I do feel more awe in an old-fashioned, high-roofed cathedral than in today's glorified (heh) conference rooms.

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