Wordless Wednesday - Full moons

Wordless Wednesday


Tom said…
I like it! I remember producing a picture similar to this 20 or more years ago and my family saying "so what?", but I really like pictures like this. You get the idea that everything changes all the time, and not least we have this incredibly beautiful object orbiting us. And we've been there. That's the most remarkable thing of all.
Anonymous said…
Very artsy and beautiful!
Love it.
Neat idea :D
Zuzana said…
Why can everyone take these cool pictures of the moon and when I try, I end up with a smeary blur.;))
Very nice Keera, love the "moons".;))
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks, everyone! I can't take the credit alone. I had help from a double-glaze window and dumb luck. :-)

Tom, I hear you. We are definitely poorer when we lose our sense of awe.

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