Photo tag leads to pyramid

I feel tagged by Protege. The rules of this photo tag are: Post the 4th picture in your 4th folder and explain it, plus tag 4 people to do the same.

My definition of "4th folder" had me opening up CD art, specifically the cover to Alan Parsons Project's "Pyramid".

The funny thing about boys is that they know all about cool and/or obscure music. They like to listen to Pink Floyd messing around with the stereo sound through headphones (I think it was Pink Floyd), or crank up 10cc to the point that you could virtually blow-dry your hair from the air being forced out of the speaker (which I did to "I'm Mandy, Fly Me"; it's still a favorite song). Another pointed me in the direction of Lemon Jelly and gave me a new favorite to create daydreams to. And they introduce you to Alan Parsons Project.

I first heard Alan Parsons Project when they already had a couple of albums out: "Tales of Mystery & Imagination" (inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's stories and with a voice-over by Vincent Price (of course) and "I, Robot" (inspired by Isaac Asimov's book). What hooked me were the instrumentals, although there were some favorite songs, too, with darned good (meaning, thoughtful and well-crafted) lyrics.

APP's third album was "Pyramid" and it too had some great instrumentals on it. Three in fact, which may explain why it is one of my favorites in my APP collection (I have eight albums, including one by Alan Parsons (no Project)). Because it was not tied up a particular author's work, the album's mood seemed freer to me and a bit more mainstream musically.

So when I saw the album cover for this meme, I was taken back to 1979 and me in my little Datsun B210 driving up and down steep hills north of Glendale, California, to visit my friend with the Alan Parsons Project collection while listening to the same music on my car's cassette tape player (installed by that same friend, the sweetie).

That same friend had "Lord of the Rings" sitting on his shelf which is one reason I ended up reading the book myself many years later. I remembered where I saw it first.

If you are reading this, Grant, I hope you are well, and thanks for the memories!


Sparkling Red said…
Music can bring back so many memories.

I'm not familiar with APP, but I'm certainly curious now.
Zuzana said…
Keera, I LOVE Alan Parsons Project; "Eye in the sky" and "Don't answer me" are my absolute favorites!
Great post and great pictures; glad you accepted the tag and played along!;))
Anonymous said…
I wonder what ol' Grant is doing now. loved his old red ford falcon. we had lots of fun. Ann
Keera Ann Fox said…
Spark, I can get very sentimental about music. With the exception of one song I didn't like to start with, I have no bad memories associated with my music.

Protege, nice to meet another fan! I like the whole album "Eye in the Sky".

An(n)onymous, we did have a lot of fun, didn't we!

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