
Showing posts from January, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Mid-winter favorite

Wordless Wednesday

Photo tag leads to pyramid

I feel tagged by Protege . The rules of this photo tag are: Post the 4th picture in your 4th folder and explain it, plus tag 4 people to do the same. My definition of "4th folder" had me opening up CD art, specifically the cover to Alan Parsons Project's "Pyramid". The funny thing about boys is that they know all about cool and/or obscure music. They like to listen to Pink Floyd messing around with the stereo sound through headphones (I think it was Pink Floyd), or crank up 10cc to the point that you could virtually blow-dry your hair from the air being forced out of the speaker (which I did to "I'm Mandy, Fly Me"; it's still a favorite song ). Another pointed me in the direction of Lemon Jelly and gave me a new favorite to create daydreams to. And they introduce you to Alan Parsons Project . I first heard Alan Parsons Project when they already had a couple of albums out: "Tales of Mystery & Imagination" (inspired by Edgar...

Wordless Wednesday - St. Mary's

Wordless Wednesday St. Mary's (Mariakirken) , Bergen's oldest church

Why, of course!

With a nod to Protege, who did this first : Your Word is "Why" You see life as complicated and intriguing. The only thing you know for sure is that you haven't figured it all out yet. You question everything and believe very little. And whatever you believe is likely to change. You are interested in theories, philosophies, and religions... even if you don't buy into any of them. You are also fascinated by how things work. You'd like to understand as much in the world as possible. What's Your Word? It all fits (me) perfectly. After all, "why?" is the question associated with Sagittarians. ;-)

Wordless Wednesday - Full moons

Wordless Wednesday

For any Norwegians wanting to travel to the US

I got this information from the US embassy in Oslo. As of today (Jan. 12) there are new visa rules for Norwegians wanting to travel to the US. Basically, instead of having to shove what's left of your last meal aside on your tiny little airplane table to fill out the green immigration form, you fill it out in advance via the web. If you already have a visa, you can use the ESTA-page to check its status. United States Visa Waiver Program - ESTA Internet-Based Authorization Required for Norwegians Beginning January 12 Beginning January 12th, 2009, all Norwegian citizens must obtain approval through the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) prior to traveling to the United States without a visa under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). ESTA is a Web-based system, available at in 16 languages, including Norwegian. Under ESTA applicants answer the same few questions that have long been answered on the small green paper form I-94W (typically on th...

Planning to be green

Normally, I have a plan, a desire for what I want in the new year. Not this time. This past new year's eve, I watched TV, surfed the 'net, enjoyed the fireworks my neighbors set off. I did not light candles to meditate to, write myself a letter, sum up the last year and think about where to head in the new. I didn't miss my usual new year's ritual. The world is currently wrapped up in worries about jobs, oil, food, global warming, wars. None of it matters in my daily life. Not yet. Never has, really. The US embassy has warned American citizens not to participate in any demonstrations, but I have never marched for peace or against war, anyway None of it matters, what the newspapers say. Ultimately, it's not about what others do. There will be no peace between nations if we all feel entitled to react in anger in our own personal relationships. There will be no clean air or water if we all feel our needs justify a number of gadgets that use electricity or that we...

Wordless Wednesday - Last Christmas

Wordless Wednesday Bryggen, Bergen