Enjoying October

Man-made, all natural. City, woods. New, old. Yesterday evening, as I stood outside the police station waiting (no, not to get arrested), I looked up the street that leads to Bergen's cathedral and on up the hillside. The photo above is a feeble attempt at trying to capture the contrasts of modern cars, older buildings and timeless forest changing color. The whole scene both amused and awed me. This is such a beautiful time of year.

I seem to be more partial to autumn than to spring. There is something about the variations on yellows and reds that trees offer up at this time of year that appeals more to me than the variations on green of spring. All seasons have their charms and advantages, but I feel more connected to what's happening around me in the autumn. Perhaps because the changing colors are so obvious. Perhaps because the storms and rains have come back after an exceptionally good summer. I love the drama!

A good summer helps build one up before the dark of winter sets in. We've also been blessed with a lot of fair weather so far this October, and with temperatures that have been quite pleasant for the time of year (10-14C/50-57F). When the rain finally returned in full force two weekends ago, accompanied by a powerful wind, it was like seeing a good friend after a long absence. I curled up in my sofa, with candles lit, watching the storm rage outside, bending the tree tops and slamming brown leaves at my windows. Refreshing!

A yellow tree against a leaden sky. Rusty leaves dotting gray cobblestones. A soft wisp of cloud adding silver to a red and gold valley of trees. Clouds moving back and forth in front of a rising full moon. I can't get enough of these sights of autumn.


alice said…
Oh, that's lovely! The sky adds its own drama to the contrasts, too!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Exactly! :-) I think this is why I love autumn.

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