Wordless Wednesday - Kjosfossen

Wordless Wednesday - Kjosfossen in Flåm valley


Beep said…
Wish I were there to hear the sound of the water! Beautiful!
Sparkling Red said…
I agree with Beep. I wish I were there. Lovely!
Tim Clevenger said…
Absolutely lovely! Looks like a bigger version of the ones we have here.
Unknown said…
Hi! My name is Ryven. I just began a blog here at Blogspot about astrology (also numerology and the Runes) and Christianity. I will be posting a free daily astrological forecast based on the current interplanetary alignments as well as doing some general blogging. I noticed you had ‘astrology’ on your interest list, which is why you’re getting this message. I hope you visit my blog and that it blesses you. Thanks for reading!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Beep and Spark, it is quite the rush - in more than one way. :-)

Tim, this is a fairly good-sized waterfall. It's main attraction is that it always has lots of water. :-)

Hi, Ryven! Thanks for dropping by! Good luck with your new blog, and with keeping up with the daily forecasts. I've tried it, and I know it's hard work.

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