Five things laying around my computer

Couldn't leave you, dear reader, with just a "one-liner" today, so Imagination Prompt to the rescue, asking me to name five things lying around my computer:

  1. Big box of Kleenex. My nose tends to run. Don't know why. I have no allergies and I'm not sick.
  2. Mirror. I turned my desk 90 degrees when I got my new iMac, so I no longer can see the TV when I'm facing my computer. The mirror lets me see the TV, anyway. Totally useless when watching "Heroes" and Hiro speaks Japanese and there's Swedish sub-titles (I watch the series on a Swedish channel). Can't read mirrored.
  3. Magnifying glass. It belongs in the desk drawer, but hasn't made it back in there yet. I was using it to look for a tiny reset button in my old iMac.
  4. Vaseline. Darned best lip moisturizer there is. Also helpful when trying to screw a lightbulb into a somewhat unwilling socket. Note: 5 molecules' worth will do.
  5. A CD that is a 58 minute introduction into Taoism, now loaded into iTunes. I got the CD for free here and I'm enjoying it (including the Barefoot Doctor's British English). It's part explanation, part relaxation technique.

PS: I copied and pasted the post title from Imagination Prompt, changed "your" to "my", then started typing the post itself and automatically used the correct verb. The discrepancy didn't register until after I published. Since Blogger uses the post title in the permanent link, this little error will stand.


Anonymous said…
I am on my second box of kleenex in two days... I have a flying monkey on my desk.
Sparkling Red said…
This posting every day is pretty tough, isn't it! I'm keeping a notebook of inspirations, but I'm bound to hit a dry spell eventually. I've already been posting almost every day since November 2, 2007. I guess I'll find out how interesting my life really is.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Kitten, if you stop sharing kleenex with the monkey, a box will last longer. ;-)

Sassy, the downside is quality of content (I've already embarrassed myself). The upside is that it makes me want to write better so that every post is interesting. So a new habit inched its way in: When I get home from work, I read all my RSS feeds first. The reading often leads to a writing.
alice said…
I never leave the house without several fresh tissues in my pocket. My nose runs constantly and I've been tested for every allergy there is with no pings. Sometimes noses just run!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Do you know when my nose stopped running? The 8 or so days I ate only brown rice.

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