1-2-3-4-5 meme

I've been tagged by Sassy Spark for this meme. So here goes:

  1. Name one thing you do every day.
    Beyond the necessities of eating, brushing teeth, peeing, nothing. I'm not that regular. Oh, wait: There is a new one for 2008: Daily blogging! See the Blog365 in the sidebar?
  2. Name two things you wish you could learn.
    1. Javascript. I look at it and it reminds me of computer programming, which, when tried to learn it way back when, I found too difficult because I lack the ability to structure things logically. Now I find myself wanting to learn javascript and that's sort of programming and structuring things logically.
    2. Physics. Reading a book like "The God Theory" and watching a movie like "What the Bleep Do We Know?" makes me wish I knew more hard science, that I understood such things better.
  3. Name three things that remind you of your childhood.
    1. TOY chewing gum. TOY is a Norwegian brand of chewing gum and the first one I encountered when I first came to this country the spring of 1969.
    2. Sheep. When I was 10, we moved to an old farmhouse and there was a flock of sheep that grazed in the fields around it. In fact, most of the farms around there had sheep. Every spring we'd also get to enjoy the sight of the young lambs bouncing around their mothers. Every time I see sheep, and especially lambs, I instantly think of the years I lived in that house.
    3. Tijuana Brass. They released their album "Going Places" in 1965. Several songs from that album got airplay on the radio and there was one I remembered would play in the afternoon when I got home from school, and I would dance to it. I didn't know the title then, and called it the spaghetti song, because I liked the song and I liked spaghetti. I later learned that the song is "Spanish Flea". I still like it. And spaghetti.
  4. Name four things you love to eat but rarely do.
    1. Refried beans: They don't exist in Norway. I have sometimes found a can of the stuff at the local grocery store, but I haven't seen it lately.
    2. Pumpkin pie: I've found the canned stuff at my local grocery store, so this fall I've been able to indulge.
    3. Waffles. I have no waffle iron, and I associate waffles with Grandma and Grandpa. We used to have a ritual: Every Sunday at noon, Grandma would make waffles and all three of us would have a better waffle breakfast. After Grandpa died, Grandma and I kept up that ritual for a while, but then Grandma no longer felt up to making the batter. For whatever reason, I never learned her recipe.
    4. Grilled scallop. I'm not a seafood lover. If it were up to me, crabs and lobsters would be completely left in peace. But every once in a while I get a chance to have grilled scallop and it is delicious!
  5. Name five things or people that make you feel good.
    1. My co-workers E and S and T and - oh, all of them.
    2. Sunsets.
    3. E-mail from my mom.
    4. The internet and everything that goes with it, including blogging.
    5. My faith.


Sparkling Red said…
The spaghetti song! I love how childrens' minds work. :-)
Keera Ann Fox said…
I like kid logic, too, Sassy. :-) Fun meme!

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