Instead of writing

on my novel, I've let myself be distracted by Google sets (via Paula. The trick is to do as Paula did, and ignore Google's example of a set.

I entered "cat" and "angels" and got a list of things that fly, including "cars" (must be the DeLorean) and "Buddha". (I'm sure cat + angel = Buddha, anyway.

Entering "Norway" and "striptease" gives a surprisingly mundane list. "Dragons" and "striptease" was far more amusing, offering underwear and Disney (heh).

Your turn!


Paula said…
I'm buzzing from so much caffeine that I can't write now. Maybe soon it'll wear off a little. I liked Bob's idea of putting in people.
Kos said…
"nudity" and "subway" gave me "Paris, France."

Gonna go buy a ticket now...
Anonymous said…
I wish I knew what the hell the sets were good for. Totally not getting it.

Very nice defense of Pamela, BTW. OTOH, only 17% done? The month (7.5 days now) is 25% done!

['Not that I don't totally sympathize with not doing what you're supposed to be doing.']
Anonymous said…
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