I wrote a to-do list instead of a novel

That's it for NaNoWriMo for this year. I got stuck - partly because I didn't do an outline or anything, and partly because I, well, got bored with it. I don't write the way the writers I like write. Anyway, I've rather suspected that my strength is not in fiction, but in non-fiction. And while I was trying to write almost 2000 words a day, I found myself wanting to update both of my blogs.

I found inspiration for Budding Yogini but not the time or calm to hash it out. And that is partly because I am distracted by my stomach and my day job.

The advantage to an all-rice diet is that you do lose weight. When I gain weight, I lose my hourglass figure. My waistline is the first to go. Then my chin. Then the rest of me. Also, IBS means bloating. The brown rice was the first food I'd eaten in a very long time that did not give me gas once, which was wonderful. So I've lost a couple of pounds and my waistline is back, even when I relax my stomach. And my chin line's back. Can't stand losing my chin line. My digestion is currently not good, and of course it is the season for festivities and heavy meals. I am now enjoying a cup of ginger tea to help my stomach.

Tightness in my hips and back led to outright stiffness and pain. I thought to myself that this is no way to approach 47! So I've started doing more yoga and between that and standing while I work, my hips and back are back to normal. But for someone who doesn't usually have such problems, aches and pains are darned distracting.

And that made work harder than it needed to be. Between giving up coffee and the distraction from aches, I wasn't terribly focused at all last week. This week has gone far better, but there is a lot to do. Both the usual year-end crazies and a graphical profile project plus converting a number of complicated printed forms to equally complicated interactive PDF-forms. And I'm the one to do that last one without help. Whew... But this week, hectic as it has been so far, has been offering up several tunnels with lights at the ends of them (though new tunnels keep showing up). And it is nice to get positive feedback on my creativity.

At home there are a number of things to do, including the blog, exploring investments for my savings (inspired by a change in pension plans at work), and catching up on a bunch of paper work. I feel like the to-do list at home is as long as the one I have at work.

Man, am I glad it's almost the weekend!


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