YES! I saw the McNaught comet!
As I walked home from work, I saw that the skies were clearing thanks to an icy wind. At home, I kept looking out my west-facing windows, and then: I noticed something not supposed to be in our skies. I couldn't get a picture through the window, so I ignored my freshly heated dinner waiting in the microwave, threw on boots and down jacket, wrapped scarf and camera around my neck, and went out. I walked to the top of the knoll in front of my building, on soggy and muddy ground getting a crispy, white covering as the wind froze the pathetic bit of snow we got earlier today.
Looking out over the roof tops towards the fading light to the southwest, I got a perfect view and a long moment of awe. I love that tail!
I noticed you got an obvious patch of clear skies there. See? It's not so uncommon!
Tim, this is the clearest sky we've had since Christmas Day, and up till then, that was the clearest day so far this winter. Things may be a tad less cloudy your way.
Jeff, thanks!
I did see Hale-Bopp way back when - it was a pretty, and pretty awesome, sight