In the now - I nuet
Most people treat the present moment as if it were an obstacle that they need to overcome. Since the present moment is life itself, it is an insane way to live. —ECKHART TOLLE in "Science of Mind Magazine" October 2006
That one got me. It is an insane way to live. Eckhart goes on to explain living in the now later in the article and gives these suggestions for staying focused in the Now:
One thing we can do is to notice the little things all around us, paying attention to details such as the birds in the trees and the flowers in the garden or the park—just notice the beauty everywhere. To notice seemlingly insignificant things requires alertness. That alertness [...] is consciousness itself.
This, or focusing on your breathing, or meditation, or being completely submerged in a task, like doing the dishes (I’ve tried that and got several minutes of complete bliss), is about freeing yourself from thinking. Tolle says that we identify with thinking, which gives rise to and maintains the ego. "When you become aware of your mind, you are not identified with your mind anymore," Tolle says. And this frees you from the ego and its expression: Fear, resentment, hurt, anger, greed, etc. All the negatives, the control-freak stuff.
The suggestions Tolle gives for living in the now, for keeping your mind focused on only what’s immediately in front of you, was also stated by America’s transcendentalists (who attracted Norwegian composer and violinist Ole Bull). In my high school American literature class, we were reading about the transcendentalists - notably Ralph Waldo Emerson and David Henry Thoreau - and our teacher gave us an assignment to think transcendentally for a week. It was really about taking a fresh look at the world around you - including seeing shapes in the clouds or marvelling at the beauty of a city lit up at night or the wonder that a few feet of overgrown garden path can transport one for a few seconds away from the urban surroundings.
This moment of now, this present, holds many treasures for the one who pays attention. And that moment of noticing, that realization that you have seen and experienced something unique, perhaps unexperienced by anyone else, is a moment of sheer joy, of discovery, of childlike delight. It is the moment that can let you know the divine.
De fleste behandler øyeblikket her og nå som om det er en hindring som må forseres. Siden øyeblikket her og nå er selve livet, er det galskap å leve slik. —ECKHART TOLLE i "Science of Mind Magazine" October 2006 (min oversettelse)
Oj. Det var sterke ord. Og det er galskap å ha en slik holdning til det å leve. Eckhart forklarer senere i artikkelen hva det vil si å leve i øyeblikket og har disse forslagene på hvordan være i Nuet:
En ting vi kan gjøre er å legge merke til de små tingene i omgivelsene, med fokus på detaljer som fuglene i trærne og blomstene i hagen eller parken – bare merke seg skjønnheten som er overalt. Å merke seg tilsynelatende uvesentlige ting krever våken oppmerksomhet. Den våkenheten [...] er selve bevisstheten. (Min oversettelse.)
Å gjøre ovenstående eller å fokusere på pusten din, meditere eller leve deg helt inn i et hverdagslig gjøremål, som å vaske opp (noe jeg selv har prøvd og opplevde flere minutter av komplett sjelefred), handler om å frigi deg selv fra å tanken. Tolle sier at vi identifserer oss med våre tanker, noe som skaper og mater egoet. "Når du blir bevisst tankene dine, er du ikke tankene dine lengre," sier Tolle (min oversettelse). Og dette frigjør deg fra egoet og dets uttrykk: Frykt, bitterhet, sårbarhet, sinne, griskhet, osv. Alle disse negative følelser, denne kontrollen vi føler vi må ha.
Tolles forslag for å leve i nuet, for å holde sinnet ditt rettet kun mot det som er her og nå, var også en av kongstankene til de amerikanske transcendentalistene, (som også fenget fiolinisten og kompositør Ole Bull). På a school er det obligatorisk kurs som heter "American literature" og der måtte vi lese om transcendentalistene, spesielt Ralph Waldo Emerson og David Henry Thoreau. Læreren vår ga oss i lekse å tenke transcendentalt i en uke. Det handlet egentlig om å se på omgivelsene med nye øyne - å se skikkelser i skyene, beundre skjønnheten i en by opplyst nattestid, eller gi seg til hen til en alternativ verden takket være en skjermet hagesti midt i en storby.
Dette øyeblikket, dette nuet, har mange gaver for den som er oppmerksom. Og dette øyeblikket med oppmerksomhet, bevisstheten av at du har sett og opplevd noe enestående, noe som kanskje ingen andre har opplevd, er et øyeblikk av pur glede, av oppdagelse, av barnlig fryd. Dette er øyeblikket som kan la deg kjenne det guddommelige.
What happened? I stayed up too late, and when I lay down, I picked up the book "Points for Profit" - which is an EXCELLENT summary of getting up and running in private acupuncture practice - but it fried my brain with all that I "need" to do before I can get going.
So on top of my trip next week (which I'm stressed enough about), I added that stress (two things out in the f.u.t.u.r.e.), and woke up about 4 times with panic attacks. I finally took something for anxiety (4:20am), and settled in with my fave Prehistoric Textiles book, and was able to get about 3-4 good hours this morning.
I also find that multi-tasking isn't a good thing when I'm stressed. i.e. last night I was brushing the dog and talking with my cousin on the phone at the same time. Not restful, though I enjoyed both things. I would've enjoyed either more if I'd been doing just one thing.
OTOH, I went to a local department store, and bought two pair of rad reading glasses, with 2 glasses cases (one came with it's own case). I guess I need to take a pic of them, because they should be blogged... :)
I don't see how people can work as well when multi-tasking as when serial-tasking (to give doing one thing at a time a name).
Sorry about the panic attacks; I get all jumpy, too, before a trip, so I have no advice. Am looking forward to seeing those new glasses!
Don't ya know, I also got a call while I was out today, I ordered a bookcase, and it's ready to be delivered. Next week. But I won't be here.
I was wondering when it would show up... I'm tired of all the books sitting on the floor!