Chocolate versus honey

I got this via Paula and ended up Yin like her. I don't think there's a connection. Anyway, yin fits.

You Are More Yin
Feminine Devoted Forgiving Fall Winter Afternoon Moon Time Passive Metal Honey

There is one thing wrong with this, though. I reversed all my answers to see what Yang would look like, and discovered that Yang is associated with chocolate! I like honey, but I like chocolate even more. Why can't chocolate be yin?


SolSionnach said…
perhaps because of the caffine?
honey is classically yin, fwiw... as are turtles. tigers and deer are yang.

srav, with a bit of random info on a rainy morning...
Keera Ann Fox said…
I get turtles as yin and tigers as yang, but deer as yang threw me.
SolSionnach said…
I think it's because of the herbal properties of their antlers... think about the antlers... very male, projecting, etc. Not only that, but deer in rut are not to be messed with, IIRC.
Paula said…
I also prefer chocolate to honey, though I'd choose vanilla over both of them.
Keera Ann Fox said…
My favorite flavoring is cinnamon.
Deadman said…

Big surprise there.
Keera Ann Fox said…
So, Mark, gonna cover yerself in chocolate? ;-)

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