Little monsters

There is no tradition for Halloween in Norway. Yes, as a pagan holiday, there used to be a celebration that got co-opted by Christianity, but the pumpkin-carving, costume-wearing, trick-or-treating version is new. I care not for the modern version of Halloween, in all its current mass-market plastic glory: In the US, it's become a carneval, where people where any kind of costume, not just scary or witchy ones. In Norway, they make the effort to be scary - and obnoxious. This is the fourth year of trick-or-treating in my neighborhood, and the second time one of my windows has gotten egged. At least I had plenty of soapy warm water on hand, since I happen to be doing the dishes.


Anonymous said…
Alle shetungene som ikkje får nok snop på nyttårsaften! Det e det det handler om her. Grådighet. Som om ikkje nyttårsaften var godt nok for de...

Mega-klem ifra en liten luring ^___^
Maybe get yourself one of those super soaker toy guns and wait behind the bushes for the pranksters! hehehe
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks, Blue. Ever since they forced me to do housework, the little creeps, I've been plotting revenge. Like maybe opening the door next year and egging them.

Monsterbeina mine (som jo er ypperlig på Halloween) får gi shetungene en spark bak neste gang. >:->
Kos said…
Man, I just chucked an egg as hard as I could in a northeasterly direction, but I never dreamed it would reach you. Sorry 'bout that.
Anonymous said…
There is something odd about adults celebrating Halloween (U.S. style) sans kids. Between the ages of 16 and 32, Halloween was a non-event for me, unless we were told to dress up at work.
Anonymous said…
I realize that my last sentence is screwed up, but I trust everyone knows what I meant. :)
Keera Ann Fox said…
At least you didn't write "told to dress at work", Paula. ;-)

I remember donning really heavy eye make-up to get that ghoul-look while I was in college - and got loads of compliments. Does that count as a bonafide backfire, then?

Jeff, next time, fling a pumpkin pie. I miss those.

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