Blogging about a six word story

I came across the idea of a six word story here and she got it from a Flickr group. Apparantly, Ernest Hemingway wrote one: "For sale: baby shoes, never used." And I have to say, that's a damned good story. Now to think up some of my own. Check out the comments at the above two sites for other people's "stories".

My own pathetic attempts:

Thinking about it, she thought otherwise.
Outwardly they laughed; inwardly they loathed.
She almost knew what she wanted.
History as written is always false.
I stole that without getting caught.
She went to a conference overseas.
Blogging about a six word story.

Your turn!


Kos said…
The dress didn't fit her anymore.
His ring slipped off too easily.
Her letter sat unopened for days.
They were clowns filled with fury.
Paula said…
My world ended with a bang.
Keera Ann Fox said…
He got the dead guy's job.
She never read his love letter.

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