Politics, lack of - part 2

In a comment to my post 13 about blogging, Tim says that he never would have guessed I avoid political blogs, and wonders why I do.

I'm in a sort of no-man's-land when it comes to politics:

1. I don't live in the US any more and haven't lived there since 1981, and am eligible to vote only in presidential elections as an expatriate who is a permanent resident of a foreign country. So local issues mean nothing to me. Presidential elections are of more interest to me, but not always enough to get me to go through the rigamarole of getting an absentee ballot. After all, my choices are between Tweedledee and Tweedledum from the two reigning parties, and some far more interesting loser (as in won't get enough votes) from an obscure party.

2. As a foreign national living in Norway, I am eligible to vote only in local elections, not national ones. So every four years, I have to make up my mind which of the 8-12 parties I think is the best. Yeah, right. That's when I find myself thinking like an American and realize that I don't like any of the 8-12 parties. One year I voted for what some call the farmer's party because I thought it was the least obnoxious. They lost completely; I must've been the only one who voted for them.

Lovely track record, being able to pick losers like that. ;-)

Would reading political blogs help? I tried. I actually read a couple in Norwegian but what's the point in following national politics when it's only local that would matter? And anyway, my mind was already made up, or when it wasn't, I found it impossible to decide. I can't relate to a lot of the issues, either. I don't live in the US and see no point in slagging through US blogs; there's nothing I can do about local issues - just the guy in the White House. Perhaps you're wondering about issues that affect my friends and family in the US? Well, I know I don't agree politically with my Republican mother (and no, she's not one of those fundamentalist right-wing nutjobs) so she's on her own, and I don't agree whole-heartedly with my Dem friends, either, so they have to fend for themselves, too. (That said, I did enjoy looking at the ballot for California and discussing it with my friend Beep, but it was more of an intellectual exercise. And rainy Sunday.)


Paula said…
I like to read what my peeps have to say about politics, but I could GAF about political blogs. They are SOOOO boring!!
Keera Ann Fox said…
That, too. I already have some opinions and am not necessarily interested in changing my mind, and for other stuff, I just want facts, not propaganda.
Tim said…
Did I ask that? I thought I asked if it were politics in general, or just political website. But I can understand what you mean, though. Most of them I read are a good precursor to a nice comfy nap. How anyone could ever watch a channel such as C-SPAN is beyond me.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I quoted only part of your question/comment. In my case, I don't read about things I'm not interested in, and I'm not interested in politics.
Tim said…
Perfectly understandable. I try to watch some things political, global and concerning current events, but your mind becomes so bombarded with these things, I think some are genetically wired to shut it out. Others are just able to take in loads of info, and I try so hard, since I don't like be "caught with my pants down" when it comes to conversations that come my way occasionally - but often I fall short.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I'm out of step, whether it be US politics (because I don't live there) or Norwegian (because I'm still a furriner in spite of having lived here for a total of 32 years), so trying to keep up just isn't that rewarding. But things rev up during election years and I get some info via osmosis and vote accordingly. (Yes, I'm one of those scary voters who goes with her gut feeling. ;-) )

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