13 about blogging
- Do you like the look and the contents of your blog?
Looks: I'm OK with the Blogger template and my own photo in the header. Contents: See answer to 5. - Does your family know about your blog?
Yes. - Can you tell your friends about your blog? Do you consider it a private thing?
Friends were the first I told about my blog. And how can a public webpage be private, anyway? - Do you just read the blogs of those who comment on your blog? Or do you try to discover new blogs?
Both. - Does your blog positively affect your mind? Give an example.
I want my blog to reflect the best of me. I don't want it to be a collection of complaints. I have this thing about the written word; it's so permanent, so I want the permanent to be something positive. In that respect, my blog makes me focus on the constructive, on what may be worth reading even when it's no longer fresh. I think you'll see this most clearly in the posts from this past year. - What does the number of visitors to your blog mean? Do you use a traffic counter?
My ISP monitors hits to my webpages, including my blog. I get a lot of hits, and recently, an increase in commentors and comments. I'd write even if no-one read me, but it is a definite perk to get feedback on what I write. (Comment, people, comment! Thanks.) - Do you imagine what other bloggers look like?
No need. Most post pictures, or at least post what they'd like you to think they look like. - Do you think blogging has any real benefit?
Oh, yes. There are so many different kinds of blogs, with different styles and agendas and information. It's another, modern way to explore and connect with humanity, and in some cases, make new friends. - Do you think that the blogsphere is a stand alone community separated from the real world?
It's stand-alone the way a Star Trek convention is. There may be a certain subculture and people into the blogosphere for its own sake, but blogs are written by real people in the real world experiencing real lives, so it's not really separate from the rest of life. - Do some political blogs scare you? Do you avoid them?
I avoid. Not interested. - Do you think that criticizing your blog is useful?
Not sure what this question is about - critical comments or criticizing having a blog in the first place. But I've realized that the answer is this: No, not useful. It's a personal blog, a personal outlet for my thoughts, my creativity in writing. Criticism of something that personal serves no purpose. - Have you ever thought about what would happen to your blog if you died?
No. - Which blogger has had the greatest impression on you?
Someone who no longer blogs - Granny Gets A Vibrator (Grannyvibes.blogspot.com). I was enjoying her writing and following her funny take on life through her blog, when she got a life-threatening illness and had to give up her blog. When somebody's life reaches mine through a webpage and personal words, to the point that I cry, worry, care, and miss them, then yeah, I'm impressed, I'm awed by them and by the blogosphere. A wonderful thing.
Stolen from Paula, another impressive blogger.
I never would have guessed you avoided political blogs. Well, ok, does that mean you aren't interested in politics at all, or just blogs and / or pages that are strictly political. If the latter is the case, I could understand that. Some of those pages are festivals for nappers.
I agree with Paula - Granny sounded interesting. Too bad she didn't keep her page up despite the halted posts.
Ha! Star Trek conventions. Now there's something I avoid like the plague. I love Star Trek, and I'm not a judgemental person, however some of the folks that attend those conventions really "freak me out". Seriously - they send shivers down my spine and I have to wonder if the 40-somethings live in their mother's basement attempting to find ways to hack into the Pentagon.
Which brings me to a question (sorry, Keera): Does liking Star Trek make one a nerd, geek, dweeb, dork, etc.?
Tim, you ask some good questions, and they make me want to blog an answer, so watch this space. :-)