Wordless Wednesday - Four flours

Wordless Wednesday


Jono said…
What happens if you add a little butter, eggs, and sugar?
Keera Ann Fox said…
I added pumpkin mix, eggs and baking soda and made low-carb muffins.
Keera Ann Fox said…
(The flours are from the bottom almond, coconut, hemp and corn.)
Jono said…
Yummy! And just because it is you I am giving you a link to a post some Norwegians did about me a few days ago. http://www.lutefiskhotel.com/blog/
alice said…
With all that flour, you must have made enough muffins to share! (or freeze?)

Keera Ann Fox said…
It wasn't that much. I got 9 largish muffins out of it. And they are so good, there's never any left over for freezing. :-)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Jono, thanks for that link. I'm so happy you're well again. I hope you're back in the saddle now!
Paula said…

(Not the lutefisk, the low-carb muffins.)

Funny, my initial thought when seeing the mix was that long-ago "friendship jar." Not sure of the name ~ it was some kind of goop you would put in a pretty jar and give a friend. She (or he) would add a few ingredients and bake a loaf of bread (more like a cake). But they would not use all of the jar. They'd leave a couple tbsp's and then do the mix again, pass it along. Does that sound familiar? I was thinking of it earlier today and then saw your pic. :)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Paula, I recommend giving them a try, but you may not be able to share with vegan friends. I cook with eggs and non-grain flours already have a stick-together challenge (no gluten).

I have never heard of the friendship jar, but your description sounds like sharing sourdough, because that's exactly what one must do: Save some from one batch as starter for the next batch.

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