And the other shoe drops

Unlike what other people I know experienced, 2012 was a laid-back year for me. I entered the new one, ready for action. Today, I got a taste of what might be in store: I've been asked to stand for election to my co-op's steering committee, an office that is for two years at a time. Right away, I think about Saturn transitting Scorpio during that time frame - in my house of community, groups and friends. I won't know for sure, one way or the other, until later this spring, but the fact that I've gotten this sort of attention tells me I'm no longer at rest; I'm on the move again.

In other news, I've finally become an adult. I'm finally starting to understand this business of taking care of home and stomach on a regular basis. At the age of 52, I'm cooking every day for myself (or reheating leftovers from an earlier meal), and my home is fairly tidy (next step: get it fairly clean). I even try to dress like a grown-up, trying to class up my usual sweater-and-jeans look. With repetition comes knowledge; with knowledge comes creativity (know the rules so you know how to break them). I accidentally made a good dish of salmon baked in crushed orange seasoned with oregano because I didn't understand the recipe. But by then, I understood enough of the process to trust a bit of going rogue.

I'm even getting back into arts and crafts. Well, crafts. I haven't touched knitting needles since the 80's, but knitted a scarf in one day, and thoroughly enjoyed it. There's a certain trepidation about doing something unfamiliar, something you could err with, but I found that I didn't care. My attitude was that it didn't matter. The yarn was cheap, the concept easy, and so I settled in with an expectation of fun, not failure. I still have that feeling - and six new balls of yarn waiting to be turned into a seat cover. Again, no pressure, just anticipation.

This attitude is also coming more to the forefront at work. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop change or down-sizing or restructuring. Such is the nature of organizations: They expand and contract and shift. I heard myself saying that we older employees just need to understand that the company's future is in the hands of the younger employees; it's their turn to create and produce and lead. And the moment I said that, I realized that I was willing to stop being "young and promising", and pass the torch on. I am willing to let the next generation do their best; I won't keep telling them how we've always done things. Times have changed, and that's that. What I can do is allow myself to be flexible and learn new ways.

The forward momentum I'm now feeling is pleasant and encouraging. I intend to welcome changes and challenges without fear. Fear is no fun, anyway. The motto for 2013 seems to be "Accept the unknown happily". I'm behind that!


Jono said…
Well, aren't you just getting your ducks in a row! This sounds like the beginning of a great year!
alice said…
What a great start to the year! Plus, that dish looks amazing!!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks, Jono and Alice!

I'm starting to get the hang of that salmon dish. :-)
Keera Ann Fox said…
It was indeed, Jon! :-)

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