Wordless Wednesday - Good, clean fun

Wordless Wednesday



Elyrest said…
Alice - I hope that you don't mind that I looked at the link Keera so thoughtfully provided. It was delightful! You have some beautiful photos on it and it's set up in a most unusual, to me, fashion. I felt that, though your pictures, I got to know a part of you. A rather nice part, I think. Making your own soap! Was it easy?

Keera - Thanks for including Alice's link. It's a nice way to get to know a little about Alice - who I only know from her comments here.Alice, I hope that you don't mind that I looked at the link Keera so thoughtfully provided. It was delightful! You have some beautiful photos on it and it's set up in a most unusual, to me, fashion. I felt that, though your pictures, I got to know a part of you. A rather nice part, I think. Making your own soap! Was it easy?

Keera - Thanks for including Alice's link. It's a nice way to get to know a little about Alice - who I only know from her comments here.

Elyrest said…
Keera - I don't know what happened there. Sorry. I think you can figure out what I was Saying though.
Keera Ann Fox said…
That was indeed bizarre, Ellen! From what I gather, you are very, very, very happy to get a link to Alice's blog. Do correct me if I'm wrong. ;-)

Alice started as a delightful internet acquaintance and became a dear friend. I've even had the pleasure of meeting her in real life. She also inspires me to keep up my blog. :-)
Elyrest said…
I was glad for the link to Alice's blog, but somewhere/somehow, after I hit publish, my comment duplicated itself in the middle of itself. If I did it I'm not sure how. Kismet.

I have more to thank Alice for if she inspires you to keep up your blog. And there's a precedent - we may meet yet. There is always that trip to France. I think it's time to write that email soon.

Keera Ann Fox said…
Do write me, Ellen! My e-mail address is via my profile ("About Me" in right sidebar).

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