Wordless Wednesday - Risk-taking

Wordless Wednesday


Keera Ann Fox said…
Yes, that is all of them. ;-)
Jono said…
Does that mean the start of Christmas baking season?
alice said…
In just ONE basket?!? Heavens! ;)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Jono, nope. I just like keeping a lot of eggs around. :-)

Alice, beats having them all in one carton! This way, I can take out as many as I need without changing the distribution of weight.
alice said…
It is breakfast?
Keera Ann Fox said…
It is all things. Additive, breakfast, dinner. Low-carbing, you know. :-)

I came upon the basket idea because 18-egg cartons are unwieldy, and I also like to remove eggs so the carton keeps an even weight-distribution. With the basket, I can grab from the top without having to move anything. Also, it's pretty. :-)

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