Wordless Wednesday - Study in red and white

Wordless Wednesday


Zuzana said…
Love your rain outfit.;) And if you had a summer like ours, then this has been your "summer outfit" as well.;))
alice said…
Oh, I wish that apparel were necessary here in SE TN! My yard has turned brown and it crinkles as I walk on it...
Jon said…
When the airline representative asked what was in my lost suitcase, I told her my raincoat among other things. She looked at me and with sarcasm in her voice said," You don't think it will rain in Bergen, do you?" It didn't. We had five days of glorious sun!
Bob said…
I luurve red. ;)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Zuzana, this was indeed my summer outfit!

Alice, by now you're getting some rain, yes?

Jon, sometimes the tourists luck out (don't they, Alice).

Bob, so do I!
alice said…
After the hurricane rolled through, it got dry again, but last night some wonderfully drizzly, dreary weather rolled in, so things are getting a light watering, finally. We don't like the feast/famine water supply we've been dealing with lately!

(Ha! If "luck out" means "get sweaty!") ;-)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Why yes, yes it does, and it also means a cold beer. ;-)
alice said…
Which brings us back around to "luck out!" :-D

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