The grace of a hawk

A commenter to this movie on YouTube wished hawks were like dogs so you could pet them when they do stuff like this. That's what I was thinking! Birds of prey are both so beautiful and so graceful. Just how graceful is shown in this BBC video. I'm also fascinated by how feathers move in slow-motion.


Tom said…
What struck me is the focus the bird has - watch its eyes during all the slow motion bits. It absolutely won't take its eyes of its "prey" while going through all the contortions to get through the hole.

Really interesting video, thank you, Keera!

Liz said…
Birds are so beautiful! Great clip.
alice said…
Just beautiful!!!

And maybe they are like dogs, because this clip reminded me of how my dog launches herself through the (tiny) dog door when she spies something outside (especially if it's a squirrel!).
alice said…
Wow. You posted this on the 6th?!? I have fallen behind...
SolSionnach said…
And you think YOU'RE behind, Alice! I don't have an RSS set up, so I miss most everything you guys post. I'm with Tom - that's what I always notice with slo-mo footage of birds of prey. Their heads are still, and their eyes locked on the prey. Gorgeous.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Glad you all enjoyed it! Speaking of staying locked on, it seems to be a general bird thing. Here it is with chickens:
jaymo said…
So cool, thank you so much for sharing that!

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