Wordless Wednesday - Mossy II

Wordless Wednesday


alice said…
More lushness!! If we weren't getting so much rain this week, I'd be jealous of all your green posts lately!
Bob said…
Nature may be at times red in tooth and claw...she does, however, know how to look beautiful. The moss and stone really go together in this photo.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Alice, it's our turn to water the moss. And how!
Bob, it's a good thing we have a lot of rock in this country. ;-)
alice said…
If you can send some this way, we'll take it! I had to water the plants in the yard this morning. :-P
Keera Ann Fox said…
I'll try. We're getting a north wind the next couple of days. That may shove stuff towards you. Do you have any heat to send our way?
alice said…
We have our usual summer allocation of heat, but I think the northeast US would rather chip in -- they're sweltering up there these days and a lot of them have no AC!

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