Wordless Wednesday - Saturday in the park

Wordless Wednesday


Zuzana said…
LOVED IT! This was a great musical piece, so much what I like, thank you for making my morning.;) And a great picture as well, spring has finally arrived right, a whole two months too late this year.;)
Have a great Wednesday
Keera Ann Fox said…
Glad you like Chicago! We're only a month late, but the advantage is that now we can enjoy spring a bit longer. :-)
Jon said…
My father played at that bandstand before WW2. I have stopped by every time I get to Bergen. Great tune from Chicago. Thanks!
Keera Ann Fox said…
How cool, Jon!

Sadly, the increase in traffic made it impossible to hear music from that bandstand so the band that played there regularly (direksjonsmusikken) gave up.
alice said…
I come to this late, but I'm still going to cry "foul!" Lyrics count as words, and this is *wordless* wednesday!!!


Just kidding. Enjoyed it. Wish I could plant myself right in the middle of that lovely scene.

(In the photo, not the video. I have no desire to go back in time...)
Keera Ann Fox said…
My excuse is that I didn't say a word! I can't be responsible for what Chicago gets up to, but me, I said nothing. ;-)

That park is even lovelier now that we have more pleasant temperatures.

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