Wordless Wednesday - Bird in birch

Wordless Wednesday


Zuzana said…
What a great blue sky...
Right now here is nothing but great skies and bitterly old, 5C! What is up with May this year??? Feels like March at the best...
Zuzana said…
Hehe, I need my morning coffee.;)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Old works, too. I only just this morning got a feeling of spring, but it was brief. I'm still wearing warm underwear and my wool coat.

As for what's up, I read someplace that a cold winter means a cold spring/summer, and astrologically, a cold signature will be with us through August. Sorry.
Jon said…
Looks a bit like a cedar waxwing. Do you have those in Norway?
Keera Ann Fox said…
Hi, Jon! It's a male chaffinch. We do see waxwings sometimes, but only in winter.

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