Wordless Wednesday - February sunset 2010

Wordless Wednesday (Here is 2009's)


Zuzana said…
Beautiful! The sun is returning, sunset are later and sunrises earlier. I love this time of the year actually, now if it only could get more springlike in a couple of weeks.;)
And btw, yes, I loved that book quote - very poignant and true.;)
The Trinity library in Dublin is listed as one of the 20 most beautiful ones on the page (link) mentioned in my post.;)
Have a great Wednesday!
alice said…
Ooooh! Beautiful! The contrast is a nice touch!
whitewitch said…
Breathtaking. The way the variations of the color of the skyline is broken by the branches' pattern is so artistic.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thank you all! Mother Nature did help. :-)

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