Wordless Wednesday - Wild raspberries

Wordless Wednesday


Nicole said…
Oh yummy!
They are long since gone here in Hungary :)
Zuzana said…
Look at the red colour; beautiful shades of dark berry red.;)) I have always loved raspberries - the wild ones are so very sweet. What a treat.;))
alice said…
Yum! Were they as good as they look?
Keera Ann Fox said…
Nicole, do you normally have that early a season there?

Protege, the color's wonderful, isn't it.

Alice, I tried to pick the reddest one, but it wasn't letting go. They just aren't as ripe as they look. Yet.
alice said…
Patience is a virtue, but not much else. ;-)
Keera Ann Fox said…
True. Season is over. :-/

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