Wordless Wednesday - Avatar (updated)

Wordless Wednesday

UPDATE: Because of the reactions in my comments, I thought it may help to see the original:


Anonymous said…
Cool - I like this a lot!!
Tom said…
I have no artistic ability and therefore no artistic apreciation whatsoever. I don't want to offend you, but...

That picture scares the hell out of me.

Zuzana said…
Ok, that was fun! I agree with both Nicole and Tom; it is a very cool artistic picture, but I think it doesn't do you looks a fair justice.;))
Still, the artist in me finds the idea appealing.;))
Keera Ann Fox said…
What a mixed bag of reactions! :-) I guess it is with avatars as it is with clowns: Some people find clowns delightful; others find them scary.

I've updated the post with the original photo to give you an idea of what I was working with.
Anonymous said…
I like the original better.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Jon, I use the original, too. It may help to know that the avatar is small in use, no larger than the thumbnail of the original, because it's an avatar for comments.

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