Wordless Wednesday - God jul

Wordless Wednesday


Zuzana said…
Glædelig Jul Keera, have a wonderful Christmas Eve.;)))
Sparkling Red said…
Merry Christmas! Enjoy the porridge! ;-)
alice said…
Beautiful (I recognize that cityscape!)!

Have a wonderful day, Keera!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Protege, thank you, I did!

Spark, thanks! The porridge was good.

Alice, I was hoping someone would see what it was. :-) I wish you a wonderful Christmas day, too!
alice said…
Keera, I showed the ornament picture to Emmie, which prompted a discussion of our trip to Norway! So, double thanks -- for the lovely photo AND for providing an impetus for reliving some great memories.

So pretty, we both agreed -- the ornament, the harbor, and the city!
Keera Ann Fox said…
I'm happy my ornament led to a happy discussion!

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