
One of the things I really like about Christmas is all the Christmas movies. You know, those movies that are about that special Christmas magic, which - with or without Santa, angels or a pregnant, unwed woman - manages to create miracles big and small in ordinary people's lives.

My list of favorite Christmas movies include any and all versions of "Miracle on 34th Street", where Santa has to go to court to prove he exists, the perennial classic "It's a Wonderful Life" and "*batteries not included". Every year a new crop of Christmas films show up and I tend to watch them all.

My mother sent me a link to just such a movie, 16 minutes of drama and delight. It's not a Christmas movie, but it definitely fits in with the spirit of the season, and is valid all year round. Enjoy "Validation".

Pass it on!


Zuzana said…
Wonderful little piece; it is all about smiling. And of course, true love. If it is meant to be, it will.;)
By the way, I also love "Miracle on 34th Street"; I think it is an overlooked family Christmas movie, better than most others.
~Tim said…
That's cute and it did make me grin. But in my twisted little mind it also reminded me of this:
Keera Ann Fox said…
Protege, it's definitely about the things that make being human worth-while. :-)

~Tim, thinking of Monty Python is a good thing, even if twisted. :-D

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