Wordless Wednesday - Horoscope of the first black US president

Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said…
Would you help those of us a bit less learned to a basic interpretation of the astro-data?
Fascinating stuff, though.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I don't feel qualified to interpret Barack Obama's chart (truth is, my astrology is getting rusty) but here is a quick description of some of its features. My take on that Venus in Cancer thing re women is that Obama is doing fine with whatever karma that is by having a strong wife and two daughters. :-)

For those of you who like more nitty-gritty, there's this page. (Page down a bit for the astrology.)

I have singled out these two pages because my initial search didn't turn up others using Obama's birth time as recorded on his birth certificate, which is every astrologer's dream because it's an official document.

And because he matters, too, here is a description of Joe Biden's chart.


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