Wordless Wednesday - Autumn path

Wordless Wednesday


Tom said…
I live in a very beautiful place, but it doesn't have obvious seasons. It's a bit wetter during the winter but in general everything stays green.

If there's one thing I miss about living in Europe it's the autumn and its beautiful colours. Actually, I miss a bit more than that, but I would have to put images like this right on top of the list.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I hear ya. Autumn has become my favorite season as an adult, but when I was a kid, I hated it. I never saw the colors then, but I do now, and it would be the season I think I'd miss most if I were to move back to a subtropical climate.
Paula said…
Nice! I could imagine riding a bike on that path in the crisp, cool air.
Keera Ann Fox said…
It's a good trail for it. :-)
Zuzana said…
Reminds me of a path in one of the parks in our city.
I am not so fond of the autumn, as the rainy and dark season it is in Scandinavia, but I love the autumn colours.
Keera Ann Fox said…
What helps in the winter, is snow. Snow reflects what light there is. I wish they wouldn't pave with black asphalt because that eats what little light we have on rainy days.
alice said…
Apparently this is fall colors week on Wordless Wednesday! ;-D
alice said…
What are the chances?!? ;-)
Keera Ann Fox said…
In the old days, it was called a season. Nowadays, it's a meme. ;-)
alice said…
HA! Clever! :-D

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