Wordless Wednesday - Cherry blossoms

Wordless Wednesday


Sparkling Red said…
I love the blossoms! I just put a very similar photo as my desktop wallpaper.
Anonymous said…
Wow, beautiful blossoms.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thank you both! I love these flowers, too, and finally got a good shot. It's my wallpaper, too.
Anonymous said…
keera, these blossoms are bootiful.
Anonymous said…
Your photo of the cherry blossoms is fantastic! Would you allow me to use it for a painting? You can see my work at www.lindabray.mysite.com and my email is artventures1@juno.com
Thanks so much.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I'm happy you find my photo inspiring, Linda! I took a quick look at your landscapes and I like your work. Feel free to use my photo and let me know if you want a bigger size to work from.

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