Current state not necessarily future state

Talking about digestion is something old people do. So let me talk about my digestion now and get it over and done with because I really don't want to be having this conversation when I'm old.

I am currently reading a book, "Hidden power for human problems" by Frederick Bailes. I hadn't heard of Bailes until quite recently, when I was reading about Thomas Troward. (I wander with Google like other people backpack foreign countries.) So I ordered a book, and am enjoying it.

Bailes claims that there are some basic attitudes that give us trouble, that trip us up. He also claims that it doesn't take 50 years to undo a 50-year-old habit. One of his examples involves a man with an ulcer.

I have been to the doctor's today. I described my grab-bag of symptoms, stating that I've always had sluggish digestion, ever since childhood. The doctor told me to avoid milk products, gluten, potatoes and coffee, and prescribed ranitidine. I got tired of constantly being aware of my insides because something was always aching, twinging or even having sharp pains. I said to my doctor, "I've had bad digestion for 40 years. Ya think I can avoid having it for another 40?" He smiled like Mona Lisa (he always smiles like that) and non-committedly said anything was possible.

Well, anything is. An ulcer is possible. A change of mind - quite literally - and a willingness to stop identifying with a 40-year-old habit is possible. That last is also a far more desirable path.

Bailes has a whole chapter on the man with an ulcer. I will go back and re-read. It is hard to convince oneself that at the core of everything is perfection. I read somewhere that disease is something that layers itself on top of health. So, all you have to do is peel away the disease. I find that thought rather cheering.

Just to be sure, the doctor had me take a blood test, and will check my thyroid values, and he also wants some stool tests. The nurse handed me the test kit. "You take one test per day." I asked her how I was going to do one per day, if I didn't go more than once per week. Not a problem; the tests are sealed in such a way that they'll keep, she explained. (They think of everything.) I then complained about the poster on the wall. That it would be nice with a sleeker man to be distracted by than the pot-bellied one encouraging patients to lose weight. Especially since the blood test kind of hurt.

So what's next is to follow doctor's orders, and keep reading Bailes. Somewhere inside me there is a belief that is ruining my enjoyment of food. I'm not having that. I'm not going to spend the next 40 years like the last. Everything I read says that the natural state of a body, regardless of age, is health, and that attitude has a lot to say about how well one stays in this natural state. So many beliefs, including the ones of an entire society (consider the discussion about health care and how most folks feel it is necessary), influence what one expects out of health and aging and life in general. I do not want to become medicalized. I'd rather come to an understanding of this wonderful physical perfection that is my birthright and let it express itself fully.

This or something better is now manifesting in my life for me.

(Also posted in my spiritual blog.)


Paula said…
I love food! Counting calories makes things more enjoyable, not less, cuz I'm always aware of what I'm eating and not just chomping away mindlessly. Anyway. I have a similar problem and when I remember to take two fiber pills at night with a cup of warm tea, the problem usually resolves itself the next day. You could try that? The pills are OTC and pretty inexpensive.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I love food, too. I don't want to start saying no to it. I already have a good regimen going. I went to the doctor because things got worse in spite of the fiber and teas and fennel oil. It's not like me to wake up with pain, and the pain is far more annoying than the quirky digestion.
SolSionnach said…
Hmmm. In OM the first thing is to get your poop schedule off the pot, so to speak. Once a week? Yikes.

I'd suggest a fiber laxative (like Metamucil) and a small dose of senna leaf tea (it's an OM herb, readily available OTC in the US). I think that if you can get your Large Intestine working again, you won't need the Zantac.

Remember about using that acupoint for constipation - the one on your arm? have you been working with that? also the point Ren 12, which is 1/2 way between your umbilicus and the place where your ribs join up at the base of your sternum. When my digestion is wonky I have a hard place there. Again, simply holding those 2 acupoints with intention is all it takes.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thank you, Sravana, but I'll be ignoring your advice. :-) I already do all the things they tell you to do re wonky digestion. And still the pain increased. (No pain today. Lovely!)

I really think I'm at a point where I need to stop treating the symptoms and focus on discovering the cause. What initially started my digestion off in the direction it went when I was 6? What happened then that lodged itself in my body? That's what I need to focus on, or I'll be forever dependent upon fiber and Preparation H.

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